giovedì 18 aprile 2013

V/A - Good Bye Forever Annie Wilkes

Very first '90 international Vilex Prod. S.p.A. compilation with: Somewhere In Europe, Lyke Wake, Bigcityorchestre, Nightmare Lodge, Deleted, JDM, Radio Diffusor Maracaibo.


mercoledì 10 aprile 2013

The Grey Wolves - Passage Of Demons &...

Late '80/ early '90 Grey Wolves release also known in another version splitted with Incaceration. Violent harsh noise meet a disturbed electronic substratum to drive towards journeys into the sick.
In this article i post another link for the work Victory Through Violence from Grey Wolves, this is an unofficial version on CD with 3 bonus track from the split tape with Origami from the live in Sarim '89.
Again, previously here i have posted the rare tape Chaos Ov Creation.
Do NOT enjoy.

Passage Of Demons
Victory Through Violence
Chaos Ov Creation

lunedì 1 aprile 2013

Stefano Biasin - '48-'86

Improbabilì cut-up, beat machine, sinth e mixer per questo incomprensibile lavoro industrial/(demenzial)sperimentaloide uscito su C30 per la M.T.T. records nel 1986.
